Groups & Graphs is a software package for graphs, digraphs, graph embeddings, projective configurations, polyhedra, convex hulls, combinatorial designs, automorphism groups, fractals, and more. An updated list of torus maps is available. Andrew Chalaturnyk's Hamilton Cycle code is available. This is C-code under the GNU licence which compiles to a unix tool to find hamilton cycles very fast. Go to the Downloads page. Current versions Groups & Graphs 3.6.0 for OS X. Click for info on using G&G. The overview contains sample windows for graphs, digraphs, groups, torus maps, projective maps, sphere maps, projective configurations, polyhedra, and fractals. It also contains pictures of some interesting graphs. Sources of information for some of the algorithms are also available. Windows or Linux users: G&G is not available for MS Windows or Linux. However many computers that run Windows or Linux can also run Haiku . See the G&G Haiku page. G&G_Haiku can also be run in a Haiku virtual box in OSX, Windows, or Linux. Graph Theory Textbook Many of the algorithms used by G&G are described in the textbook Graphs, Algorithms, and Optimization by William Kocay and Donald L. Kreher, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2005. The second edition (2016) is now available. It is available from
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