Volume 110, March 2019

- Anetta Szynal-Liana and Iwona Wloch , "The Fibonacci Hybrid Numbers", pp. 3-10
- I. Javaid, M. Salman, M. Murtaza, F. Iftikhar and M. Imran , "Weak total resolving sets in graphs", pp. 11-26
- Jenq-Jong Lin , "Decompositions of multicrowns into paths and stars", pp. 27-38
- S. Ulagammal and Vernold Vivin.J, "On Star Coloring of Degree Splitting of Wheel Graph Families and Mycielskian", pp. 39-47
- Yesim Akuzum, Omur Deveci and Gizem Artun , "The Adjacency-Pell Circulant Sequences", pp. 49-61
- Megha Goyal , "On Four Generalized Basic Series And Combinatorics", pp. 63-80
- Song-Tao Guo , "A note on symmetric graphs of valency eight", pp. 81-87
- Tuncay Deniz Senturk, Ahmet Dasdemir, Goksal Bilgici and Zafer Unal, "On Unrestricted Horadam Generalized Quaternions", pp. 89-98
- Muhammad Saeed, Muhammad Imran and Noor Rehman, "Computation of Sanskruti Index of Certain Interconnection Networks", pp. 99-115
- Hong-Ye Chen and Li Zhang, "Linear 2-arboricity of planar graphs with 5-cycles not adjacent to short cycles", pp. 117-130
- P. Jeyanthi and A. Sudha, "On the total irregularity strength of wheel related graphs", pp. 131-144
- Mingjin Wang, "Multidimensional Generalizations Of The Ramanujan's Formulas", pp. 145-149
- Sergio Bermudo, Denis L. Jalemskaya and Jose M. Sigarreta, "Total 2-domination in Grid graphs", pp. 151-173
- Selda Kucukcifci, "The full metamorphisis of λ-fold K4-designs into λ-fold 3-star systems", pp. 175-194
- Guihua Huang, Renfang Wu and Hanyuan Deng, "The expected values of Hosoya index and Merrifield-Simmons index in a random spiro chain", pp. 195-202
- Nader Jafari Rad, Hadi Rahbani and Lutz Volkmann, "Locating Roman Domination in Graphs", pp. 203-222
- A. Lourdusamy and F. Patrick, "Even Vertex Equitable Even Labeling For Corona And Tp-Tree Related Graphs", pp. 223-242
- Maged Z. Youssef, "On even harmonious labelings", pp. 243-253
- Sizhong Zhou, Jie Wu and Quanru Pan, "On ID-Hamiltonian [a,b]-factor", pp. 255-261
- Can Kizilates, "On Quaternions With Incomplete Fibonacci And Lucas Numbers Components", pp. 263-269
- Wen Li and Ming Zhong, "Magic squares with all subsquares of possible orders based on extended Langford sequences", pp. 271-281
- H.U. Afzal, M. Ather, A.Q. Baig and A. Maheshwari, "Further Results On Super Edge-Magic Graphs", pp. 283-291
- Eldho Varghese, Arpun Bhowmik, Seema Jaggi, Cini Varghese and Shwetank Lal, "On the Construction of Response Surface Designs with Minimum Level Changes", pp. 293-303
- S. Akbari, S. Hossein Ghorbani, S. Malik and S. Qajar, "Conditions for regularity and for 2-connectivity of Toeplitz graphs", pp. 305-314
- Chih-Hsiuan Liu, Ming-I Chia, Guang-Hui Zhang
and Tao-Ming Wang, "Super Vertex Magic Circulant Graphs", pp. 315-326
- Samaneh Hossein-Zadeh, Ali Iranmanesh, Mohammad Ali Hosseinzadeh and Asma Hamzeh , "Some Bounds for Topological Efficiency of Graphs", pp. 327-341

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