- Gary Chartrand, Daniel Johnston and Ping Zhang, "On Color Frames of Claws in Graphs", pp. 13-31
- I. Beaton, S. Finbow and J.A. MacDonald, "Eternal Domination Numbers of 4 x n Grid Graphs", pp. 33-48
- Jing Huang and Gary MacGillivray, "Homomorphically full reflexive graphs and digraphs", pp. 49-64
- Laurent Beaudou, Roland Grappe and Gena Hahn, "Gathering information in a graph", pp. 65-78
- William F. Klostermeyer, "An Eternal Vertex Cover Problem", pp. 79-95
- Wayne Goddard and Kirsti Wash, "ID Codes in Cartesian Products of Cliques", pp. 97-106
- S. Ao, G. MacGillivray and J. Simmons, "Hamiltonian Properties of Independent Domination Critical Graphs", pp. 107-128
- Jason T. Hedetniemi, Sandra M. Hedetniemi and Stephen T. Hedetniemi, "Perfection in Graphs, A New Look at Irredundance", pp. 129-139
- Michel Boyer, Sif El Harti, Amal El Ouarari, Robert Ganian, Tomas Gavenciak, Gena Hahn, Carsten Moldenauer, Ignaz Rutter, Benoit Theriault and Martin Vatshelle, "Cops-and-robbers: remarks and problems", pp. 141-159
- Debra L. Boutin, "The Cost of 2-Distinguishing Selected Kneser Graphs and Hypercubes", pp. 161-171
- Wendy Myrvold and Patrick W. Fowler, "Fast Enumeration of All Independent Sets of a Graph Up To Isomorphism", pp. 173-194
- M. Schurch, "Edge Colourings and the Depression of a Graph", pp. 195-212
- Richard J. Nowakowski, Gabriel Renault, Emily Lamoureux, Stephanie Mellon and Timothy Miller, "The Game of timber!", pp. 213-225
- Jing Huang, "Characterizing Homogenous Digraphs", pp. 227-236
- Elizabeth Marie Still and Teresa W. Haynes, "Global Domination Stable Trees", pp. 237-252
- Shaun M. Fallat and Shahla Nasserasr, "On the Null Space Structure Associated with Trees and Cycles", pp. 253272
- Ortrud R. Oellermann, "On Domination and Digital Convexity Parameters", pp. 273-285
- Arthur S. Finbow, Bert L. Hartnell and Michael D. Plummer, "On Well-Covered Quadrangulations", pp. 287-297
- C.J. Hodgins and K. Seyffarth, "Distinguishing Chromatic Numbers of Wreath Products", pp. 299-319
- A.P. Burger, A.P. de Villiers and J.H. van Vuuren, "Two Algorithms for Secure Graph Domination", pp. 321-339
- Dennis D.A. Epple, "A new proof of a characterization of (k,l)-colourable chordal graphs", pp. 341-344
- Gerd Fricke, Timothy J. O'Brien, W. Christopher Schroeder and Stephen T. Hedetniemi, "A new lower bound for the irredundance number of a tree", pp. 345-352
- Izak Broere and Johannes Heidema, "Induced-hereditary graph properties, homogeneity, extensibility and universality", pp. 353-363
- Johannes H. Hattingh, Ossama A. Saleh, Lucas C. Van der Merwe and Terry J. Walters, "Nordhaus-Gaddum type results for the induced path number with relative complements in Km,n", pp. 365-377