- Martin Baca, Edy Tri Baskoro and Yus M. Cholily, "Face antimagic labelings for a special class of plane graphs Cba", pp. 5-15
- R.M. Figueroa-Centeno, R. Ishishima and F.A. Muntaner-Batle, "Some new results on the super edge-magic deficiency of graphs", pp. 17-31
- Edy Tri Baskoro, "Critical Sets in Edge-Magic Total Labelings", pp. 33-42
- A. Gutierrez and A. Llado, "Magic Coverings", pp. 43-56
- Anak Agung G. Ngurah, Edy Tri Baskoro and Rinovia Simanjuntak, "On Antimagic Total Labelings of Generalized Petersen Graph", pp. 57-70
- Kiki A. Sugeng and Mirka Miller, "Relationship between adjacency matrices and super (a,d)-edge-antimagic-total labeling of graphs ", pp. 71-82
- I. Wayan Sudarsana, Edy Tri Baskoro, Dasa Ismaimuza and Hilda Assiyatun, "Creating new super edge-magic total labelings from old ones", pp. 83-90
- Kiki A. Sugeng, Mirka Miller, Yuqing Lin and Martin Baca, "Super (a,d)-vertex-antimagic total labelings", pp. 91-102
- Syafrizal Sy, Edy Tri Baskoro and Saladin Uttunggadewa, "The size multipartite Ramsey numbers for paths", pp. 103-107
- Mauritsius Tuga, Mirka Miller, Joe Ryan and Zdenek Ryjacek, "Exclusive Sum Labelings of Trees", pp. 109-121
- Hasmawati, Edy Tri Baskoro and Hilda Assiyatun, "Star-Wheel Ramsey Numbers", pp. 123-128
- Kristiana Wijaya, Slaminm Surahmat and Stanislav Jendrol, "Total Vertex Irregular Labeling of Complete Bipartite Graphs", pp. 129-136
- Mirka Miller, Deval Patel, Joe Ryan, Kiki A. Sugeng, Slamin and Mauritsius Tuga, "Exclusive Sum Labeling of Graphs", pp. 137-148
- I Wayan Sudarsana, Dasa Ismaimuza, Edy Tri Baskoro and Hilda Assiyatun, "On super (a,d)-edge antimagic total labeling of disconnected graphs", pp. 149-158
- Ljiljana Brankovic, Alex Rosa and Jozef Siran, "Labelings of trees with maximum degree three - an improved bound", pp. 159-169
- Rita SahaRay, Avishek Adhikari and Jennifer Seberry, "Critical sets for a paid of mutually orthogonal cyclic latin squares of odd order greater than 9", pp. 171-185
- Rohan Cattell, "Vertex Magic Total Labellings of Complete Multipartite Graphs", pp. 187-197
- Dieter Rautenbach, "A Note on Linear Discrepancy and Bandwidth", pp. 199-208
- Kejun Chen, Zhenfu Cao and Ruizhong Wei, "Existence of V(9,t) vectors", pp. 209-221