- R. Stella Maragatham and A. Dharani, "Context-Free Equi-Triangular Array Grammars", pp. 3-12

- A. Subhashini and J. Baskar Babujee, "Wiener index for Common Neighborhood Graphs of Special Trees ", pp. 13-32

- R. Parameswari and R. Rajeswari, "Edge Grateful Labeling of Paley Digraph", pp. 33-42

- T. Manjula and Dr R. Rajeswari, "Dominator Chromatic Number of Certain Graph", pp. 43-52

- J. Anitha and Indra Rajasingh, "Power Domination in Tree Derived Architectures", pp. 53-64

- M.G. Shrigan and P.N. Kamble, "Fekete-Szegö Problem for certain Class of Bi-stralike Functions involving q-differential Operator ", pp. 65-74

- G. Jayaraman and D. Muthuramakrishnan, "A Note on Equitable Total coloring of Middle and Total Graph of Some Graphs ", pp. 75-86

- Indra Rajasingh, R. Jayagopal and R. Sundara Rajan, "Total Domination in Certain Nanotori", pp. 87-94

- R. Mary Jeya Jothi and R. Revathi, "SSP-Cyclic Stucture of Some Circulant Graphs", pp. 95-102

- A. Mohammed Abid and T.R. Ramesh Rao, "Dominator Coloring Changing and Stable Graphs upon Vertex Removal", pp. 103-114

- A. Berin Greeni, "Embedding Complete Bipartite Graph into Sibling Trees with Optimum Wirelength ", pp. 115-126

- V. Raju and R. Jayagopal, "A New operation on Icosikaitetragonal fuzzy number", pp. 127-136

- V. Kaladevi, R. Anuradha and A. Abinayaa, "Generalized Wiener Indices of Double Silicate Chain Graph", pp. 137-146

- R. Revathi and R. Mary Jeya Jothi, "Even Arbitrary Supersubdivision of Corona Related MMD Graphs", pp. 147-152

- M. Priyadharshini, D. Anandhababu and A. Anuradha, "Construction of Non-isomorphic Families of Halin Graphs with Same Split Domination Numbers ", pp. 153-160

- G. Alarmelmangai and A. Anuradha, "On Hadwiger Conjecture for Certain Families of Graphs with Restricted Number of Cycles ", pp. 161-164

- J. Anitha, "Power Domination in Certain Nanotori ", pp. 165-176

- J. Senbagamalar and J. Baskar Babujee, "Wiener and Zagreb Indices for Line Graphs", pp. 177-182

- V. Murugan and G. Sethuraman, "Enumeration of caterpillars ", pp. 183-192

- C. Vijayalakshmi and C. Yuvarani, "Design and Analysis of general Bulk Queueing Models and Its Applications", pp. 193-212

- P. Sumathi and C.V. Sathiya Bama, "A New Procedure to get Minimal Cost in Transportation Problems", pp. 213-218

- Nayaka S.R. Puttaswamy and Purushothama S., "Pendant Domination in Graphs", pp. 219-230

- Nayaka S.R., Anwar Alwardi and Puttaswamy, "Transversal Total Domination in Graphs", pp. 231-240

- Jane Olive Sharon and T.M. Rajalaxmi, "Closeness Centrality in Neural and Interconnection Networks", pp. 241-252

- M. Mahendran an Swathy, G., "On the Nonsplit Monophonic Number of a Graph", pp. 253-262

- Jessy Sujana, G and T.M. Rajalaxmi, "P3-Forcing in Honeycomb Networks", pp. 263-272

- A. Arul Shantrinal, R. Sundara Rajan, A. Ramesh Babu, S. Anil and Mohammed Ali Ahmed, "Embedding Complete Multipartite Graphs into Certain Trees ", pp. 273-286

- P.L. Suresh and D. Piriadarshani, "Mittag-Leffler Function Method for Solving Nonlinear Riccati Differential Equation with Fractional Order ", pp. 287

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