Downloading G&G
Last update=5 Mar, 2010

- G&G 3.6.0 for OS X is available for download via anonymous ftp. It is a universal
binary that runs on PPC and Intel Macs.
- It is nearly impossible to thoroughly test all the features of G&G. If you discover a bug, please report it.
- The Code Warrior version of G&G was ported to XCode.
- The Windows version is now obsolete. It was written in Borland's Delphi, a version of
object-oriented Pascal. After G&G was ported to C, it became infeasible to keep the Delphi version up to date.
- The OS X version of G&G was ported to C (with the help of MacP2C), and carbonized.
There may still be some bugs resulting from the port.
- Note: the pre-OS X versions of G&G will not run correctly in classic mode.
You must boot into OS 9 to use them.
G&G for OS X is a carbonized application. It has been tested in OS X.
It should also run in OS 9.
- Or locate to the ftp server to download them.
- If the ftp server is not working properly, please send e-mail indicating what
ftp client and OS you are
using (with version numbers), so that the problem can be corrected.

Note: Stuffit Expander may be necessary to unpack some files. It is a free download.

G&G E-Mail on Demand Service
Note: This is currently not functioning, but should be restored some day.
Use the pop-up menu to select the version you want. Enter your e-mail address. Click on the Submit button and an
e-mail copy will automatically be sent to you. (Note: hotmail accounts cannot use this service, because it
exceeds the hotmail storage limit.) For further information on using the e-mail on demand service, send an e-mail
whose subject is "help" to

If you are unable to download G&G, please send e-mail to request a copy.
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