Congressus Numerantium
Volume 230, December, 2018

- Elie Feder, Heiko Harborth and Tamar Lichter, "Maximum Rectilinear Crossing Numbers of Polyiamond Graphs", pp. 5-14
- Alewyn P. Burger and Heiko Harborth, "Convex Parity Graphs", pp. 15-24
- Niko Kaso and Serge Kruk, "Polytope of two at-least predicates", pp. 25-43
- Peter Shi, Serge Kruk and Pawel Marcinek, "The Vector Space of Finite Summations and its Applications", pp. 45-62
- Karina Craft, Laura Darr, William Melahouris, Hsin-Hao Su and Heiko Todt, "On the Integer-Magic Spectra of Cycle Related Graphs", pp. 63-76
- Karina Craft, Laura Darr, William Melahouris, Hsin-Hao Su and Heiko Todt, "On the Edge-Balance Index sets of Distance Two of Wheels", pp. 77-87
- Mohamad Abdallah and Eddie Cheng, "Panconnectivity Of 2-Tree-Generated Networks", pp. 89-103
- Omer Siddiqui, Stephanie Budzisz and Eddie Cheng, "Matching Preclusion Of Boxdot Products", pp. 105-124
- Maryam Khosravi, Eddie Cheng, Ke Qiu and Zhizhang Shen, "On Coloring Complete Binary Trees", pp. 125-134
- Eddie Cheng, Ke Qiu and Zhizhang Shen, "A Proposed Scheme of Finding Closed Form Solutions to Surface Areas of Graphs", pp. 135-149
- Anna Caroline Bachstein, Renu Laskar and Andrew Pangia, "Perfect Domination Of Books And Bishops", pp. 151-156
- Ben Wehrung, "When Quasigroups with Holes of Size 2 are Not Enough", pp. 157-165
- Alexis Doucette, Alicia Muth and Charles Suffel, "An Exceptional Invariant k-Component Order Neighbor Connectivity -- A Generalization of Domination Alteration Sets in Graphs", pp. 167-190
- D.V. Chopra, "Further Contributions To Bi-Level Balanced Arrays Of Strength Nine And Factorial Designs Of Resolution Ten ", pp. 191-197
- Joseph D. Fehribach and Judi J. McDonald, "Matrices and Kirchhoff Graphs, A Rank-Two, Nullity-Two Construction", pp. 199-207
- Alexander Soifer, "In Memory of Paul Erdos on His 105th Birthday", pp. 209-219
- Sul-young Choi and Puhua Guan, "Error Correcting Code Generated by Induced Subgraphs Km-1 of Complete Graph Km", pp. 221-225
- Allison Desmond and John T. Saccoman, "Underlying Split Multigraphs", pp. 227-238
- David E. Brown, Kim A.S. Factor, Larry J. Langley and Sarah K. Merz, "Cycle Extendability and Split Domination in Tournaments", pp. 239-247
- John Lorch, "Generalized Most-Perfect Squares", pp. 249-259
- Neil P. Carnes and Brittian L. Qualls, "A Note on Bicyclic Antiautomorphisms of Mendelsohn Triple Systems", pp. 261-265
- Arundhati Raychaudhuri, "Distance-k Labeling of Some Subclasses of Strongly Chordal Graphs", pp. 267-292
- Edward C. Carr, "Hamiltonian Cycles in St(Cn x Cm)", pp. 293-299
- Sami Austin, Josias Gomez and Bill Linderman, "Ramsey Numbers for Trees with Large Maximum Degree", pp. 301-307
- Farhad Shahrokhi, "Strong Pseudo Transitivity and Intersection Graphs", pp. 309-316
- Sergey Bereg, "A construction of product blocks with a fixed block size", pp. 317-324