Ars Combinatoria
Volume XCVIIA, October, 2010
- Fengxia Liu and Jixiang Meng, "Super-edge-connected and Optimally Super-edge-connected Bi-Cayley graphs"
- Edward Dobson, "On transitive ternary relational structures of order a prime-squared"
- Ian Anderson and D.A. Preece, "Some narcissistic power-sequence Zn+1 terraces with n an odd prime power"
- Bertran Steinsky, "Diagonalised Lattices and the Steinhaus Chessboard Theorem"
- Wenchang Chu and Xiaoxia Wang, "Proofs Of Ramanujan's 1φ1-Summation Formula"
- Jianqin Zhou and Xirong Xu, "On infinite families of optimal double-loop networks with non-unit steps"
- James H. Schmerl, "Even and Odd Eulerian Paths"
- Nick C. Fiala, "λ-Designs with g = 7"
- Allan Frendrup, Michael A. Henning, Bert Randerath and Preben Dahl Vestergaard, "On a Conjecture about Inverse Domination in Graphs"
- Martin Baca and Ljiljana Brankovic, "Edge-antimagicness for a class of disconnected graphs"
- Suohai Fan, Hong-Jian Lai, Yehong Shao, Hehui Wu and Ju Zhou, "Regular matroids without disjoint circuits"
- R. Lakshmi, "Orientations of graphs and minimum degrees of graphs"
- Guangjun Xu, Erfang Shan and Min Zhao, "Clique domination in graphs"
- Darren B. Parker, Randy F. Westhoff and Marty J. Wolf, "Two-Path Convexity and Bipartite Tournaments of Small Rank"
- Omur Deveci, Erdal Karaduman and Colin M. Campbell, "The Periods Of K-Nacci Sequences In Centro-Polyhedral Groups And Related Groups"
- Haihui Zhang, "Every toroidal graph without 4- and 6-cycles is acyclically 5-choosable"
- Garry Johns, Steven J. Winters and Amy Hlavacek, "The Exterior of a Graph or Tree"
- Margaret A. Francel and David J. John, "The Dihedral Group as the Array Stabilizer of an Augmented Set of Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares"
- Sin-Min Lee and Ho Kuen Ng, "On friendly index sets of cycles with parallel chords"
- Mitsunori Imaoka, Isao Takata and Yu Fujiwara, "On The Number Of Generalized Dyck Paths"
- Dengxin Li and Shengyu Li, "A Note on the Maximum Number of Edges of a Spanning Eulerian Subgraph"
- Yingying Chen, Jixiang Meng and Yingzhi Tian, "Restricted Vertex Connectivity of Harary Graphs"
- Cao Jian Xiang, Yuan Xudong and Moo Young Sohn, "Domination and Bondage number of C5 x Cn"
- Penghao Cao and Liping Yuan, "On the Number of H-points in a Circle"
- Kevin K. Ferland, "Toughness of Infinite Graphs"
- Adel T. Diab, "On Cordial Labelings of the Second Power of Paths with Other Graphs"
- Marilyn Breen, "The dimension of the kernel for intersections of certain starshaped sets in R3"
- Hortensia Galeana-Sanchez and Rocio Rojas-Monroy, "Monochromatic paths and monochromatic cycles in edge-coloured k-partite tournaments"
- Xiang Tan, Hong-Yu Chen and Jian-Liang Wu, "The Linear Arboricity of Planar Graphs without 5-cycles and 6-cycles"
- Alev Firat, "On f-Derivations Of BCC-Algebras"
- Ken Gray, Anne Penfold Street and R.G. Stanton, "Using affine planes to partition full designs with block size three"
- Xia Zhang, Guizhen Liu, Jiangsheng Cai and Jianfeng Hou, "A new sufficient condition for graphs of f-class 1"
- A. Barghi and H. Shahmohamad, "Revisiting Chromatic Polynomials of Some Sequences of Graphs"
- Ramazan Karatas, "Global Behavior Of A Rational Recursive Sequence"
- F. Pasticci, "On Quotient Curves Of The Suzuki Curve"
- S. Al-Addasi, O.A. AbuGhneim and H. Al-Ezeh, "Characterizing powers of cycles that are divisor graphs"
- Chen Shang-di and Zhao Da-wei, "New Construction of Authentication Codes with Arbitration from Pseudo-Symplectic Geometry over Finite Fields"
- Ahmet Ipek, "On the generalized k-Fibonacci hyperbolic functions"
- Jian-Hua Yin and Jiong-Sheng Li, "Variations of two classical Turan-type extremal results"
- Xinmin Hou, "A characterization of trees with equal domination and total domination numbers"
- Shih-Yan Chen and Hsin-Ju Wang, "Unimodality of independence polynomials of very well-covered graphs"
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