Ars Combinatoria
Volume XLVII, December, 1997
G. Faina, S. Marcugini, A. Milani and F. Pambianco "The Spectrum of Values k for which there Exists a Complete k-Arc in PG(2,q) for q<=23"
Daphne D.F. Liu and Roger K. Yeh "On Distance Two Labellings of Graphs"
Alfred J. Menezes and Yi-Hong Wu "The Discrete Logarithm Problem in GL(n,q)"
W.C. Shiu "Decoding DeBruijn Arrays Constructed by the FMSS Method"
T.K. Dutta and B.K. Roy "Construction of Symmetric Balanced Squares"
Masaaki Harada "Weighing Matrics and Self-Dual Codes"
Charlie H. Cooke "Several Resolvable BIB or PBIB Doubles Round Robin Tournament Designs"
W.C. Shiu and Y.P. Tang "Existence of Ideal matrices"
Mordechai Lewin "A Note Following a Remark of Harary Regarding a Certain Family of Sum Graphs"
B. Hartnell and C.A. Whitehead "On k-packings of graphs"
John Gimbel, Michael A. Henning and Zsolt Tuza "Switching Distance Graphs"
Ping Wang "An Upper Bound for the (n,5)-cages"
P. Horak, A. Rosa, and J. Siran "Maximal Orthogonal Latin Recatngles"
P.C.B. Lam, W.C. Shiu and W.H. Chan "On Bandwidth and Cyclic Bandwidth of Graphs"
Brian Peterson and Linda Valdes "Derangements in Sylow Subgroups of Symmetric Groups"
J. Richard Lundgren, Patricia A. McKenna, Larry Langley, Sarah K. Merz and Craig W.
Rasmussen "The p-Competition Graphs of Strongly Connected and Hamiltonian Digraphs"
Stefan Heiss, "A Note on the P3-Sequenceability of Finite Groups"
George Steiner, "A poset-based method for counting partitions and Ferrers diagrams"
R.J. Faudree, Zdenek Ryjacek and Ingo Schiermeyer, "Local connectivity and cycle
xtension in claw-free graphs"
Claudio L. Lucchesi and Maria Cecilia M.T. Giglio, "On the Connection between
the Undirected and the Acyclic Directed Two Disjoint Paths Problem"
Zhike Jiang, "On Rotational Steiner Triple Systems: Five, Seven and Eleven"
C. Christofi, "On the Number of 6 4 7 Double Youden Rectangles"
Bu Yue Hua and Zhang Ke Min, "On the Arc-Pancyclicity of Local Tournaments"
Serge Lawrencenko and Jingzhong Mao, "A Sharp Lower Bound for the Number of
Connectivity-Redundant Nodes
Ramesh S. Sankaranarayana, "A generalization of Favaron's theorem"
Chang Yanxun, "A construction of holey perfect Mendelsohn designs"
Krzystof Giaro, "The complexity of consecutive D-coloring of bipartite graphs:
4 is easy, 5 is hard"
David C. Fisher, Kathryn Fraughnaugh
and Larry Langley, "P3-Connected Graphs of Minimum Size"
Ruqun Shen, Feng Tian and Bing Wei, "Hamiltonicity of k-connected
graphs with independent claws"
Christian Bey, "On incidence matrices of finite affine geometries"
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