Ars Combinatoria
Volume CXXXVIX, July, 2018

- Yueping Li and Dingjun Lou, "Hamilton Cycles in n-Extendable Bipartite Graphs", pp. 3-18
- Hongbing Zhang, "A sharper lower bound on the signless Laplacian Estrada index", pp. 19-26
- Krzysztof Piejko, "On the number of (A, B, 2C)-edge colourings in graphs", pp. 27-41
- Xiyuan Feng, Jianfeng Wang and Francesco Belardo, "Spectral characterizations of graphs with at most two (signless) Laplacian eigenvalues greater than 2 ", pp. 43-54
- Guanghui Zhang, "Constacyclic Codes over Fp + vFp", pp. 55-67
- Jing Jian Li, Bo Ling and Xiao Dan Chen, "Tetravalent Normal Primitive Cayley Graphs", pp. 69-83
- S.N. Daoud, "Number of Spanning trees in Different Products of Complete and Complete Tripartite Graphs", pp. 85-103
- Xiao-Hui Hua and Li Chen, "One class of primitive 2-arc transitive graphs", pp. 105-117
- Krzysztof Piejko and Lucyna Trojnar-Spelina, "On (A, 2B, 2C)-edge colouring in certain class of graphs", pp. 119-131
- Jen-Ling Shang, Tay-Woei Shyu and Chiang Lin, "Weakly status injective trees are status unique in trees", pp. 133-143
- Xianya Geng and Hongjin Zhao, "On the sum of the squares of all distances in trees with fixed diameter", pp. 145-157
- Ionut E. Iacob, T. Bruce McLean and Hua Wang, "About General Order Regular Flexagons", pp. 159-173
- Gai-Xiang Cai, Miao-Lin Ye, Gui-Dong Yu and Li-Fang Ren, "Hyper-Wiener index and Hamiltonicity of graphs", pp. 175-184
- Hsun Su, Hsiu-Chunj Pan, Shih-Yan Chen and Shin-Shin Kao, "On mutually independent hamiltonian cycles", pp. 185-195
- Krzysztof Piejko, "On k-distance Pell numbers and ((k-1)A, (k-1)B, kC)-edge coloured graphs", pp. 197-215
- Denis C.K. Wong, "An Exponent Bound for Abelian Group that admit a Covering Extended Building Set", pp. 217-227
Cactus graphs with equal domination and complementary tree domination numbers
by B. Krishnakumari,
Y.B. Venkatakrishnan and S.K. Ayyaswamy
pp. 229-235
- Xue Zhou and Shuiying Cai, "The degree sequence of the graph with cyclomatic number less than four", pp. 237-246
- Horst Alzer and Helmut Prodinger, "On Ruehr's Identities", pp. 247-254
- Vu Dinh Hoa and Moshe Rosenfeld, "A new labeling of C2n proves that K4 + M6n decomposes K6n+4", pp. 255-267
- S. Nada, A.T. Diab, A. Elrokh and D.E. Sabra, "The corona between paths and cycles", pp. 269-281
- Xiaoling Zhang and Kecai Deng, "Distance two labelings in regular bipartite graphs", pp. 283-296
On the Erdos-Sos Conjecture for spiders in graphs having no path with 2k+1 vertices
by Adam Gilbert
and Gary Tiner
pp. 297-313
- Erling Wei, Jiangtao Liu and Han Ren, "Decycling Number of a class of 4-regular graphs", pp. 315-326
- Hanyuan Deng, Y.B. Venkatakrishnan and S. Balachandran, "Extremal Properties of Some Topological Indices of Graphs", pp. 327-336
- Asim Naseem, Khurram Shabbir and Hani Shaker, "The Radio Number of Edge-Joint Graphs", pp. 337-351
- C.Y. Chew, A.Y.M. Chin and C.S. Lim, "The number of subgroups of a direct product of cyclic p-groups", pp. 353-360
- Aijun Dong and Jianliang Wu, "Equitable and List Equitable Colorings of Planar Graphs without 6-Cycles", pp. 361-383
- Mengen Zhang and Xia Zhang, "The correlation between the f-chromatic class and the gc-chromatic class of an (r,r+1)-graph", pp. 385-392
- Changhong Lu, Rui Mao and Bing Wang, "Paired-Domination in Claw-Free Graphs with Minimum Degree at Least Four", pp. 393-409

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