Ars Combinatoria
Volume CXXIX, October, 2016

- Selvam Avadayappan and M. Muthuchelvam, "Neighbourly regular strength of a graph", pp. 3-17

- Urszula Bednarz and Malgorzata Wolowiec-Musial, "Two-parameters generalization of Pell numbers in graphs", pp. 19-31

- P. Titus and K. Ganesamoorthy, "On The Detour Monophonic Number of a Graph", pp. 33-42

- Xia Zhang and Yan Zhu, "On the f-chromatic class of a multi-wheel graph", pp. 43-49

- C. Jayasekaran, "Self Vertex Switchings Of Disconnected Unicyclic Graphs", pp. 51-62

- Edward J. Farrell and Andrew A. Hunte, "D-Graphs For Graphs With Cyclomatic Number 1", pp. 63-69

- Xiaoxin Song, Gaihong Sun and Lijia Liu, "Total Domination in generalized θ graphs and ladder graphs", pp. 71-93

- M.A. Seoud and M.N. Al-Harere, "Some Notes on Combination Graphs", pp. 95-106

- Sapna Jain, "Duality in lpγ-spaces", pp. 107-122

- Wei Dong, "A note on acyclic total coloring of plane graphs", pp. 123-137

- Deepa Sinha and Jaspreet Kaur, "Edge Friendly Labelings of Graph - I", pp. 139-156

- R.M. Figueroa-Centeno and R. Ichishima, "On The Sequential Number And Super Edge-Magic Deficiency Of Graphs", pp. 157-163

- Litao Guo and Xiaofeng Guo, "Local restricted edge connectivity and restricted edge connectivity of graphs", pp. 165-172

- K. Muthu Guru Packiam, T. Manimaran and A. Thuraiswamy, "On Total Edge Irregularity Strength Of Graph", pp. 173-183

- Chin-Mei Fu, Wen-Chung Huang and Jun-Yuan Tian, "G-Designs Having a Prescribed Number of Blocks in Common", pp. 185-198

- Muhammad Kamran Siddiqui, "On irregularity strength of convex polytope graphs with certain pendent edges added", pp. 199-210

- Michalis Christou, Maxime Crochemore and Costas Iliopoulos, "Quasiperiodicities in Fibonacci strings", pp. 211-225

- Shangdi Chen and Lizhen Chang, "A Construction of Multi-receiver Authentication Codes with Dynamic Sender from Linear Codes", pp. 227-236

- Cao Ni and Ren Han, "The Number of 1-Factors and Edge-Colorings of Mobius Ladder Graphs and Triangular Embeddings of K12m+7", pp. 237-248

- Behrooz Bagheri Gh., Mohsen Jannesari and Behnaz Omoomi, "Unique basis graphs", pp. 249-259

- Huazhong Lu, Xing Gao and Xiaomei Yang, "Matching extendability of balanced hypercubes", pp. 261-274

- Xinying Pai, "On the Laplacian coefficients and Laplacian-like energy of unicyclic graphs with fixed diameter", pp. 275-286

- G. Araujo-Pardo and A. Vazquez-Avila, "A note on Erdos-Faber-Lovasz Conjecture and edge coloring of complete graphs", pp. 287-298

- Pengli Lu and Teng Zhang, "Resistance Distance of Three Classes of Join Graphs", pp. 299-314

- Dan Saracino, "The 2-color Rado number of x1+x2+...+xn = y1+y2+...+yk", pp. 315-321

- Hangmin Pan, Zhaohong Huang and Cai Heng Li, "Arc-Transitive Pentavalent Graphs Of Order Four Times A Prime Power", pp. 323-339

- Pengli Lu and Yufang Miao, "The generalized chaaracteristic polynomial of the subdivision-vertex and subdivision-edge coronae", pp. 341-356

- Chula Jayawardene and Lilanthi Samarasekara, "Size multipartite Ramsey numbers for stripes versus stripes", pp. 357-366

- Walter Carballosa, Jose M. Rodriguez and Jose M. Sigarreta, "New inequalities on the hyperbolicity constant of line graphs", pp. 367-386

- Baohuan Zhang and Zengti Li, "Construction quasi-regular semilattices with singular linear spaces", pp. 387-396

- Solomon W. Golomb and Richard Hess, "Optimum Seating Arrangements and Tuscan Squares", pp. 397-402

- Spencer P. Hurd and Dinesh G. Sarvate, "Graph Decompositions of K(v,λ) into Modified Triangles Using Langford and Skolem Sequences", pp. 403-416

- Maurizio Iurlo and Sandro Rajola, "A computer search of maximal partial spreads in PG(3,q)", pp. 417-436

- Rikio Ichishima and Akito Oshima, "On The Super Edge-Magic Deficiency Of 2-Regular Graphs With Two Components", pp. 437-447

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