Ars Combinatoria
Volume CXXII, July, 2015

- Hengzhe Li, Weihua Yang and Jixiang Meng, "A kind of conditional vertex connectivity of recursive circulants", pp. 3-12
- Pablo De Caria and Marisa Gutierrez, "Determining possible sets of leaves for spanning trees of dually chordal graphs", pp. 13-20
- Yunpeng Wang and Xinan Tong, "Several identities involving q-harmonic numbers by q-Chu-Vandermonde convolution formula", pp. 21-32
- Chun-Chun Lin and Jing-Ho Yan, "On L(d,1)-Labelings of the Cartesian Product of Two Cycles", pp. 33-53
- Hua Wang, "Extremal trees of the eccentric connectivity index", pp. 55-64
- Milan Basic, "Perfect state transfer between non-antipodal vertices in integral circulant graphs", pp. 65-78
- Shubo Chen and Weijun Liu, "Extremal Tricyclic Graphs With Respect To Schultz Index", pp. 79-88
- R. Balakrishnan and S. Francis Raj, "Bounds for the b-chromatic number of the Mycielskian of some families of graphs", pp. 89-96
- Hong-Jian Lai, Yehong Shao and Mingquan Zhan, "K-5-factor in a Graph", pp. 97-124
- Ottilia Fulop, "Special minimum cuts in directed graphs NOTE", pp. 125-128
- Guibin Ou and Zhongxun Zhu, "The extremal generalized θ-graphs with respect to Hosoya index", pp. 129-148
- M. Hashemi, "The commutativity degree of 2-generated groups of nilpotency class 2", pp. 149-159
- Tan Mingshu, "Some Combinatorial Identities on the Stirling Number Based on a Probabilistic Model", pp. 161-168
- Kristi Clark and Elliot Krop, "Nonmedian Direct Products of Graphs with Loops", pp. 169-180
- Jianglu Wang and Haiyan You, "Path Extendability and Degree Sum in Graphs", pp. 181-192
- Nadia El Amri, "La (≤ k)-demi-reconstructibilite des graphes pour 7 ≤ k ≤ 12", pp. 193-226
- Fengwei Xu, Weifan Wang and Ko-Wei Lih, "Full Orientability of the Square of a Cycle", pp. 227-233
- George He, Yuejian Peng and Cheng Zhao, "On Finding Lagrangians of 3-uniform Hypergraphs", pp. 235-256
- A. Erfanian, B. Tolue and N.H. Sarmin, "Some considerations on the n-th commutativity degrees of finite groups", pp. 257-267
- Xiao Zhang, "A Note On Partial Spread Generalized Bent Function", pp. 269-274
- Nader Jafari Rad, "Properties of total restrained domination vertex critical graphs", pp. 275-287
- Hsin-Hao Lai and Ko-Wei Lih, "Chordal Graphs are Fully Orientable", pp. 289-298
- Rehana Ashraf, Barbu Berceanu and Ayesha Riasat, "Fibonacci Numbers And Positive Braids", pp. 299-306
- Ligang Zhou, Erfang Shan and Yancai Zhao, "Upper signed k-domination number in graphs", pp. 307-318
- Ali Ahmad, Nurdin and Edi Tri Baskoro, "On total irregularity strength of generalized Halin graph", pp. 319-332
- Haiyan Li and Chunhui Lai, "On Potentially C2,6-graphic Sequences", pp. 333-354
- Mouna Achour, Youssef Boudabbous and Abderrahim Boussairi, "The {-3}-reconstruction and the {-3}-self duality of tournaments", pp. 355-377
- Shubo Chen and Weijun Liu, "Tricyclic Graphs With Minimum Modified Schultz Index And Maximum Zagreb Indices", pp. 379-397
- Qigang Yu and Zhongxun Zhu, "The extremal fully loaded graphs with respect to Merrifield-Simmons index", pp. 399-409
- Mahir Bilen Can, "Some Plethystic Identities And Kostka-Foulkes Polynomials", pp. 411-421
- Hung-Lin Fu and Yuan-Hsun Lo, "Multicolored Isomorphic Spanning Trees in Complete Graphs", pp. 423-430
- L. Asgharsharghi and D. Kiani, "On Regular Graphs with Complete Tripartite Star Complements", pp. 431-437
- Serkan Araci and Erdogan Sen, "On A p-Adic Interpolating Function For The Generalized Genocchi Numbers And Its Behaviour At s=0", pp. 439-447

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